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Who Killed Natalie Wood?

Natalie Wood’s death has haunted Hollywood for 40 years. Her admirers have long wanted more than speculative stories and vague accusations.

Natalie Wood

The case was reopened after investigators found fresh bruises on her body and a change in the original coroner’s report. Both Wagner and Walken have retold their version of events numerous times, but their accounts are often contradictory. Keep reading the article below to learn more about Who Killed Natalie Wood.

For decades, the death of Natalie Wood has remained a mystery. It was ruled a drowning accident, but many doubts have since arisen over the official explanation. The bruises on her body, the fact that she was found in a dinghy, and the inconsistent stories of the three men on the boat with her (Captain Dennis Davern, Robert Wagner, and Christopher Walken) all raised suspicions.

When her body was discovered on November 29th, 1981, she was clad in a flannel nightgown and wearing a red down jacket. She was floating face down in the water, about a mile from the couple’s yacht Splendour, and her rubber dinghy was nearby.

Her husband at the time, actor Robert Wagner, and Walken both denied knowing anything about her disappearance. But a new book by Marti Rulli, titled Goodbye Natalie, Goodbye Splendour, has reopened the investigation. In it, she interviews a former Catalina Island troubleshooter named Paul Wintler. He recounts his first hours on the scene and provides evidence that contradicts some of the original accounts given by Davern, Wagner, and Walken.

He says he heard the couple fighting on the night of her death. After a while, Wagner returned “tousled and sweating as if he had been in a real fight.” He told the other two to stick with their story that she must have slipped and fallen into the water.

The original investigators guessed that she was injured when she fell off the boat. But new forensics evidence, including the location of the bruises, suggest she was assaulted before her death. The coroner has since changed the cause of death to “drowning and other undetermined factors.”

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s investigators have now classified her death as suspicious, and they are questioning Wagner. He has never been charged with any crime related to the case, but his behavior and conflicting statements have raised suspicions. The sheriff’s department has questioned witnesses and reviewed documents, and Rulli claims her new information has a “compelling chain of evidence.” The investigation is ongoing.

What is the Case?

The night Natalie Wood died, she was sailing on her private yacht with co-star Christopher Walken and the boat’s captain, Dennis Davern. Initially, they told police that she had simply taken her dinghy and gone ashore to explore the island, despite her fear of dark water—a phobia inherited from a prophecy her superstitious Russian mother received as a child. Since the case was reopened in 2011, however, they have shifted their accounts.

Until recently, the main suspect in her death was her husband, Robert Wagner. The two had a turbulent relationship and their marriage was on the rocks when she died. Wagner has denied any wrongdoing ever taking place. However, his daughter Courtney and her stepdaughter Lana firmly believe otherwise. They claim he treated them with hostility after her death, dragging her by the press and cutting her out of their lives altogether.

In the book, I write about some of the critical evidence I have uncovered in the case. I use it to construct a powerful imaginary closing argument by the prosecution and apply reasonable California legal principles to help readers decide whether she was murdered or died in an accident.

As a trial attorney, I have a unique perspective on the case. I also spent time interviewing many of the people who knew Natalie Wood. I listened to their stories and considered the evidence they presented, including their memories of her last moments. I found that their statements were inconsistent and incongruent, creating doubt as to what actually happened.

In addition, I uncovered new information that was never before made public. In 2022, Radar Online reported that Wagner and Wood got into a huge fight at a North Carolina hotel weeks before the boat trip, with her co-star present.

In my opinion, the key to solving the case is to identify which person, or people, were involved in her murder. While the official cause of death was accidental drowning, many people suspect foul play, particularly her husband and her co-star.

Who is the Accused?

Despite the star-studded funeral and the official ruling of accidental drowning, doubts have persisted. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that the great actress was murdered. The reopening of the case has brought new attention to Dennis Davern, a St. Augustine boat captain who was on board the yacht Splendour that night and has spoken out to say he believes that Wood’s death was no accident.

Davern, who is now 88 and living in Mexico, says that he and Wood had been engaged in a loud argument that night. When it ended, he said, Wagner instructed him on the story they would tell police: That she must have slipped and fallen into the water after Wagner put her to bed.

But according to a medical examiner, her bruises and scratch marks indicated she was attacked before her death. The book explains how that conclusion was reached and also explores other red flags, such as the inconsistencies in witness testimony and the holes in the original investigation.

The author reveals that Hollywood fixer Peter Pitchess had a cozy relationship with Frank Sinatra, and he and other studio insiders used their connections to influence the outcome of the original investigation. He also details the many omissions and contradictions in the story told by Splendour’s captain, Dennis Davern.

In addition, the author shows how the original investigating sheriff’s deputy and other detectives were incompetent and biased, which is a key reason why the evidence was mishandled. The book concludes with a powerful imaginary closing argument by the prosecution, based on the forensic and circumstantial evidence.

The book will have a strong appeal to fans of the late actress, who wanted to believe in the innocence of a woman so talented and good-hearted. But it will also be of interest to anyone who wants to know more about how the justice system can fail and what happens when people are corrupted. The book will be published by Simon & Schuster and is available for pre-order now. A portion of the proceeds will go to charity in Wood’s memory.

What is the Solution?

The mystery surrounding Natalie Wood’s death may never be fully resolved, but there are many hints that the crime was not an accident. It is possible that her husband Robert Wagner murdered her, but even if he did, it would be difficult to convince a jury that he had the specific intent to kill. It is also possible that another person, either a crew member or a witness, killed her. In any case, the LA County District Attorney will have to present a strong case against Wagner and hope that he can convince a grand jury to indict him on homicide charges.

Natalie Wood was a beautiful and popular star who had an enormous presence in America in the 1950s. She was the doubting seven-year-old who finally came to believe in Santa Claus in Miracle on 34th Street, the rebellious teenager in Rebel Without a Cause, and the yearning high school girl destined for madness in Splendor in the Grass. Behind the glamorous public persona, however, there was a troubled soul who struggled with depression and insecurity. She suffered from insomnia and sought psychoanalysis, spending lunch hours each day with her analyst. She was also a renowned drinker.

In the early days of her career, she married several men and had a number of affairs. When she began to hit her stride, she settled down with actor Robert Wagner. They starred together in several films, including the sci-fi thriller Brainstorm.

On the night of her death, she was with Wagner and his friend and co-star Christopher Walken aboard a yacht off the coast of Catalina Island. After a champagne-fueled dinner ashore with the boat’s captain, Dennis Davern, the group took a dinghy back to the yacht and continued drinking. At around 1 a.m., Wagner called police to report his wife missing.

When investigators examined the body, they found abrasions and bruises on her arms, wrists, and upper body, as well as foam coming from her mouth, which is characteristic of drownings. But the investigators stopped short of classifying her death as a homicide, citing lack of evidence.

The Basics of Pest Control

Louisville Pest Control aims to keep pest populations below damaging levels through suppression and prevention. Continuous pests, such as ants, roaches, fleas, ticks, and worms, are usually predictable and require regular treatment.

Biological pest control uses nature’s help, releasing beneficial insects like ladybugs or parasitic nematodes to eat unwanted pests. This method also becomes more sophisticated with microbe-based solutions engineered from bacteria.

Accurate pest identification is the first step in determining the need for pest control. Proper identification allows you to determine the specific type of pest, its life cycle, and habits. It also allows you to make a better-informed decision about what cultural practices, tools, or pesticides are needed for eradication.

Incorrect identification can be costly, even disastrous. It can result in the use of improper or ineffective control tactics that damage healthy plants, cause unnecessary risk to human health and the environment or result in a loss of valuable production. It can also lead to the waste of time, labor, and money on products that were not needed or that did not provide the expected results.

Pests often change in appearance during different stages of their life cycle or as they mature from juvenile to adult forms. These windows of opportunity, when the pest is at its most vulnerable, are typically when management tactics can be the most effective.

To correctly identify a pest, observe it closely and carefully to notice its size, shape and color. Then, visit the pest identification guide for that species to learn more about its characteristics, habitat, feeding preferences, threats, signs of an infestation and prevention and control measures.

Most of the guides include photos that can help you compare the pest to a similar one, making it easier to pinpoint the correct identification. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult additional online or offline resources for final confirmation.

If you are not sure what type of pest you have, consider contacting your local farm or business advisor, commodity or industry organization, Cooperative Extension agent, State land grant university, or a pest identification service such as NIS. These services can provide expert pest identification through morphological characteristics or by using an identifier key that presents a series of choices to arrive at the correct identification.

If a pest is found indoors, try to locate and eliminate the breeding site. Typical breeding sites for indoor pests include dead animals in attics and chimneys, pet feces, dirty garbage cans, and rotting organic matter of plant or animal origin.

Pest Prevention

Pest prevention uses a variety of strategies to keep unwanted organisms from gaining entry into buildings, structures or yards. Its goal is to reduce the need for pest control by modifying habitats, soils and cultural practices rather than using chemicals. When pesticides are used, they are used as a last resort and only when monitoring indicates it is necessary according to established guidelines. Pest prevention is a key component of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to pest control.

Identifying pests and their damage is the first step in the prevention process. Then, scouting and monitoring are performed regularly to determine the need for control. Often, scouting is done by walking a route and looking for signs of pests. Depending on the pest, these signs could include droppings, egg masses, tunneling, molting or damage.

Some pests, such as insect-like flies and mosquitoes, are best controlled by eliminating their hiding places – for example, patching holes in walls, keeping garbage receptacles in secure areas and using screens on windows. Other pests, such as carpenter ants and termites, are best prevented by modifying the structure to make it more resistant. This may involve sealing joints, adding caulking, and repairing leaks.

Preventive measures also can be taken at the design phase of a building or landscape. These techniques can lower long-term pest control costs and minimize the use of chemicals.

A preventive strategy defines what the client and pest management professional are each responsible for and ensures both parties fulfill their responsibilities. It includes things like establishing who is on staff to inspect food shipments for pests, ensuring that uniform cleaning protocols are followed and that dumpsters are located away from buildings and cleaned regularly, and determining which parts of a facility should be wet washed rather than dry washed to reduce moisture attracting pests. Once an established preventive program is in place, it becomes second nature and lessens a company’s pest exposure. It requires vigilance and constant monitoring, but once in place, it allows for more time to focus on other priorities. It is much more cost effective to prevent pests from entering a facility than trying to eradicate them once they are there.

Pest Control Methods

Whether pests are insects, rodents or something else, a good preventive maintenance program will help keep them at bay. A routine inspection schedule for buildings, grounds, and surrounding areas will spot problems before they become major infestations that require more aggressive actions. Investing in the right tools will make this work easier. For example, a telescoping mirror makes it easy to check behind and underneath equipment or furniture for signs of pests. A flashlight is also indispensable for spotting pests in dark, secluded harborage areas. It’s also helpful to know the pests’ behavior and movement patterns, which will help you determine what type of barrier or trap to use. For example, if you discover that a roach population is moving along a specific route, you can block off entry points with a screen or caulk. Positioning bait stations at the ends of this route will catch the pests as they are exiting the area.

Biological methods of control use natural predators and parasites to reduce pest populations without the use of chemicals. This may include introducing helpful organisms, such as the nematode genus Steinernema carpocapsa, which feeds on roaches, grubs and fleas, or planting crops that attract beneficial insects such as bumblebees and monarch butterflies.

Physical management controls include barriers that exclude pests from a property, such as screens, fences, nets and tarps. It also includes sanitation techniques that prevent food, water and shelter from attracting pests. These include regular garbage removal, keeping stored products out of the open, storing items in containers that discourage pests and maintaining clean equipment.

Pesticides are used only after monitoring identifies a problem and careful consideration of the risks to human health, beneficial insects and the environment. NMSU’s Pesticide Education Series explains how to select the most effective pesticides, apply them according to established guidelines, and follow proper application procedures to minimize environmental contamination.

The goal of pest control is to bring pest numbers to a level that causes unacceptable harm and then prevent them from returning to that threshold. To do this, you need to evaluate the situation and conditions that led to the pest infestation and identify underlying causes of the problem.


Pesticides are chemical agents that destroy or inhibit the growth of unwanted organisms, such as insects, weeds and plant diseases. They are generally applied to plants through sprays, drenches, powders or fumigants. The most common pesticides are fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. They are most often used in combination with other methods of control to form an integrated pest management (IPM) plan. When deciding to use a pesticide, always carefully read the label. It should contain a list of both the active ingredients and other substances that are not responsible for the pesticide’s action. The latter are called inert ingredients. Never exceed the recommended application rate; doing so wastes the pesticide, pollutes the environment and may result in injury to your plants.

Most pesticides are highly toxic to a wide range of species. They can kill the intended target organisms or contaminate the environment, depriving other species of essential nutrients and disrupting ecosystems. They can be released into air, water or sediments, or be ingested by birds and other animals that feed on contaminated crops. Some are also carcinogenic to humans.

The human health hazards of most pesticides range from short-term impacts such as headache and nausea to long-term, chronic effects like cancer and reproductive harm. Some rely on neurotoxic chemicals to function, such as the organophosphate family of pesticides (such as pyrethrins and methyl bromide), which interfere with nerve-impulse transmission by blocking ions in axons or synapses. Others, such as the older and more widely used dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and lindane, persist in soil or water for long periods of time and build up in fatty tissues, making them toxic to humans and other living organisms.

Many of the most common pesticides, including herbicides and fungicides, are also neurotoxic to wildlife, as are many rodenticides, which affect not only rats and mice but squirrels, chipmunks and other mammals that can feed on commercial and residential crops. In addition, pesticides often kill or depress natural enemies that control or otherwise benefit crop plants, such as birds, bees and butterflies, and can have other unintended ecological consequences.

Benefits of Replacement Windows

New windows bring more than just fresh looks to a home. They also increase home value, provide energy efficiency and reduce noise.

Replacement Windows

Unlike standard sized windows, replacement windows are custom designed to fit in an existing window frame. This makes them harder for do-it-yourselfers to find and install. Visit https://yourhomeexteriors.com/ to learn more.

Energy-efficient replacement windows are a great investment that can help to save money on your energy bills and also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They help to insulate your home so that it stays warmer in winter and cooler in summer, reducing the amount of work that your heating and cooling system has to do. This can result in significant savings on your energy bills.

Energy efficient replacement windows are available in a wide range of styles and options, so you can find the right style to suit your home. They can be found in a variety of materials, including vinyl, fiberglass and wood, and in various sizes to fit your existing window openings. You should always look for ENERGY STAR and NFRC ratings when shopping for new windows to ensure that you are getting the most efficient product possible.

Another benefit of energy efficient windows is that they help to block out outside noises, creating a quieter indoor environment. This can be particularly beneficial for homeowners who live in busy areas, or those with children or pets that need a peaceful space to sleep or relax.

One of the biggest factors that influence the cost of replacement windows is the type of window that you choose. There are many different window types to choose from, and each has its own unique characteristics and benefits. For example, awning windows are ideal for providing ample natural light to your home while still maintaining privacy and security, whereas casement windows are a popular choice for their versatility and functionality.

When deciding on the right replacement windows for your home, it is important to consider your budget as well as your needs and preferences. You should aim to balance quality with cost, and be sure to shop around to get the best deal on your replacement windows. You can also ask your contractor about the possibility of using “builder grade” windows, which are higher-quality but lower-cost options suitable for new construction.

If you’re looking for a reliable supplier of replacement windows, start by researching companies online. Check out their customer reviews and reputation, and make sure to read their warranty policy. All reputable window companies should offer a manufacturer’s warranty as well as a labor warranty on their products and installation services.

Increased Comfort

Whether you’re tired of drafts or the rattling of old windows in the wind, new replacement windows provide comfort for the entire home. Properly installed windows create a tight seal to prevent air leaks, resulting in a more comfortable indoor environment and lower energy bills.

Modern windows are also architected to offer increased insulation, which helps maintain your preferred indoor temperature without relying on high-energy heating or cooling systems. In addition to the money savings, this comfort upgrade also improves indoor air quality by reducing harmful contaminants like dust, mold, and pollen.

Upgrading to new windows isn’t just good for your budget, it can also increase the value of your home. Prospective buyers are averse to homes with old, drafty windows and will often prioritize properties that feature recent improvements, like replacement windows.

When shopping for replacement windows, make sure to choose a brand with a long history in the industry. The more established companies will have the resources to manufacture high-quality products and provide supportive customer service. A great place to start is by checking out the company’s reputation in the window and door community, which can be done online or by reading trade magazines.

Once you’ve selected a reputable manufacturer, compare the types of replacement windows they offer to determine which will best suit your needs and preferences. If you have a specific vision in mind for your project, the best brands will help you realize that dream with their extensive product line of options and customization features.

Unlike new construction windows, which require you to build an entirely new frame around them, replacement windows are designed to fit into your existing window opening. This allows for a faster installation time and less repair work on the trim, drywall, and siding surrounding them. Additionally, because replacement windows do not have nail fins they can be used in older homes that may not be structurally sound enough to support a new window frame.

Homeowners want to maximize light and views, which is driving another trend: slimline windows with narrow sashes (the part of the window that holds the glass). The result is a sleek, modern aesthetic that’s popular among both traditional and contemporary homeowners.

Better Noise Reduction

While energy efficiency and double pane glass often take precedence when choosing replacement windows, noise reduction capabilities are an important factor to consider. After all, the quieter your home, the more comfortable it will be to live in.

The science behind replacement window noise control is relatively simple. Modern replacement windows feature multiple panes, precisely double or triple-pane options that act as a barrier to outside noise. They also often have a space filled with inert gases like argon or krypton that further disrupt and absorb sound waves. In addition, the tight seals of modern replacement windows and robust framing materials prevent air (and noise) leaks around the frame.

What this means for homeowners is a peaceful home environment free from outside sounds such as traffic or barking dogs. This can be especially important for those who work from home, allowing them to focus more easily and avoid distractions.

To maximize your noise reduction potential, look for replacement windows with higher STC ratings. These measures assess a window’s ability to minimize outside noise, with higher numbers indicating better performance. Additionally, the thickness of a window’s glass and specific configuration can make a difference as well.

In addition to the features mentioned above, many modern replacement windows use compression weatherstripping, which helps to seal gaps and prevent air and noise infiltration – especially for casement or awning windows. If you’re replacing older windows, be sure to check their weather stripping and caulking to ensure it’s in good condition and not leaking.

Another benefit of installing new windows is that they help to improve your home’s energy efficiency, which in turn can reduce your utility bills over time. Older style windows tend to let heat escape during the winter and hot air in during the summer, forcing your heating or cooling system to work harder and costing you money. New windows can keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, lowering your energy consumption and reducing your bills over time. In the long run, this saves you money and helps to protect the environment.

Increased Home Value

A major benefit of upgrading your windows is that they can increase your home’s resale value. Potential buyers are drawn to homes that are energy efficient, have modern features, and offer a comfortable living space. New replacement windows offer all of these qualities, making your home more appealing to prospective buyers and increasing the likelihood of a quick sale.

In addition to their energy-saving features, the best replacement windows also look great. A modern upgrade of your windows will provide a fresh, clean aesthetic to the exterior of your home and allow natural light to flood in throughout the day, brightening your interior and giving it a more inviting feel. Moreover, many homeowners choose to replace their older window with one that matches the architectural style of the house.

Whether you’re looking to replace your windows with a bay or bow window, add a casement window above your kitchen sink, or replace your old double-hung windows with picture windows, the choices are endless and can increase your home’s value. You can even choose windows that match the color or style of your existing frames for a seamless look.

In terms of energy efficiency, many potential buyers prefer ENERGY STAR windows. These windows meet strict federal standards and can help reduce your energy costs by up to 50%. They also provide superior insulation, meaning your home will stay warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

Finally, new replacement windows are often designed to be easy to maintain. This means you will not have to worry about the hassle of washing and painting your windows, making them a more cost-effective option than other types of upgrades.

Many homeowners assume that renovating a single room in their home will boost its resale value. However, such a project can be expensive and time-consuming. Replacing your windows, on the other hand, can be done quickly and inexpensively, while adding a lot of value to your home.